
2013-9-10 15:00



中航通用电气的新办公楼使用面积超过3.6 万平方米(36 万平方英尺),能够容纳800 到1000 名员工,预计于2014年启用。

2009 年11月,中航工业与GE 航空达成协议成立一家专业提供民用航电产品和服务的合资企业。2011年,仍处于筹备阶段的中航通用电气民用航电系统有限责任公司被中国商飞公司选中,为中国首个民用大飞机项目C919 机型提供核心航电系统、显示系统、机载维护系统和航电系统综合服务等。

In October, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) and the General Electric Company (GE) established a joint venture, the GE AVIC Civil Avionics Systems Company Limited (GE AVIC), whose new headquarters is located in the AVIC Civil Aviation Electronics Industrial Park in the Shanghai Zizhu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone. Construction of the new GE AVIC headquarters has been put into construction. GE AVIC Civil Avionics Systems Company Limited is the first enterprise to be established in the AVIC Civil Aviation Electronics Industrial Park

Expected to be operational by 2014, the new office building of the GE AVIC Civil Avionics Systems Company will have an area of 36 thousand square meters (360 thousand square feet) and will be able to accommodate between 800 to 1,000 staff members.

In November of 2009, AVIC and GE reached an agreement to establish a joint venture that would provide civil avionics and related services. In 2011, the GE AVIC Civil Avionics Systems Company Limited, while still in its preparation stage, was chosen by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC) to supply the core avionics systems, display systems, airborne maintenance systems and integrated avionics services to the C919, an indigenous Chinese aircraft.




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