

2013-8-29 16:15

中国民航局近日公布了2013 年民航小机场补贴方案,拟对国内134 个小机场共实施补贴5.24 亿元,补贴资金来自民航发展基金。

据该方案,此次涉及补贴的小机场共134 个,各机场补贴金额为213 万-724 万元不等。其中,最高为九寨黄龙机场,补贴724 万元,最低为长海大长山岛机场,补贴213 万元。

有统计数据显示,全国超过80% 的机场处于亏损状态,由于中小机场的航班客货量难以得到保证,亏损情况更为严重。业内人士认为,支线机场亏损的主要原因是航线航班布局不合理和航空公司运力投放不足。目前,国内机场的收入主要依靠收取停机费、起降费和廊桥费等,但中小机场从航空公司获得的收益,甚至比不上机场给航空公司的航线补贴。


据统计,“十一五”期间,民航局给予机场补贴合计138 亿元,其中中小机场补贴达到51 亿元(中西部地区机场补贴额占70% 以上)。

The Civil Aviation Administration of China has released the content of its 2013 program, reflecting subsidies of 524 million CNY to be allocated to small civil aviation airports, which will be dispersed from the Civil Aviation Development Fund.

In accordance with that program, a total of 134 small airports are expected to benefit from this National Government subsidy. These airports will receive a subsidy between 2.13 to 7.24 million CNY. Jiuzhai-Huanglong will receive the highest subsidy of 7.24 million CNY and Changhai Airport is scheduled to receive the lowest, 2.13 million Yuan..

According to recorded aviation data, over 80% of China's airports are in the red. Small and medium sized airports have not been able to attract the necessary quantity of passengers, cargo, and mail, to make them profitable, which is making their negative financial situation even worse. The primary revenue of these domestic airports comes from the fees charged for aircraft parking, landing and takeoff, and gallery bridge use; and yet, the money small and medium sized airports receive from those fees is even less than the money they pay to subsidize the airlines

Mr. Jiaxiang Li, minister of CAAC, told the media that the best method of reversing their negative financial status is to increase the subsidies to those small domestic airport facilities, some of which should come from the local governments, and some from the CAAC.

Other data related to airports during the period of the 11th National Five-Year Plan, reflects the CAAC allocating a total of 13.8 billion Yuan in subsidies to airports throughout China, . Among the 13.8 billion yuan, 5.1 billion (of which 70% was allocated to airports located in central and west China) was allocated to small and medium sized airports.



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