
2013-08-09 06:20 作者:《民航报导》赵嘉国

中国航空界将要开放低空发展通用航空的议论已经持续有一段时间了。我在2012 年EAA 大会(美国飞来者大会)第二次主办了中国馆活动,活动现场听到很多关于中国到底是不是真的低空要开放的疑问。尽管中国通航界最近这两年有一些大动作,比如收购美国西锐,中国一个航空制造商买下豪客比奇公务喷气机和通用航空运营商豪客比奇的新闻,吸引了所有人的眼球。这些事件却说明不了中国有任何通用航空的计划,也不意味着中国的通航产业有什么发展。

今年EAA 飞来者大会的中国馆活动上,来自郑州市的代表团获得了很多曝光机会。由吴天君书记和胡荃常务副市长带队的郑州代表团共有13 名团员,他们都参加了在美国威斯康辛州奥什卡什市举行的EAA 飞来者大会,目的是了解国际航空界并为郑州通用航空试验区招商。他们在寻找飞机制造商、飞行学校、运营商、维修商、包租服务商和其他所有相关的、可以帮助其充分发展他们航空产业园的合作伙伴。郑州不是中国第一个建立航空产业园的城市,却是第一个去美国寻找合作伙伴的城市。在中国,因为有越来越多的城市开始建立自己的航空产业园,肯定也有很多城市将要组织代表团到美国去参观考察,希望可以找到一些愿意在他们城市建立运营点的合作伙伴。

如果您是我们杂志即《民航报导》的订阅者,这些对您来说就不是新闻了。基本上每期杂志都会出现中国建立通用航空产业园的新闻或者一家新公司正在申请飞行培训执照,或者又建了一座新机场等等。郑州只是做了中国其他30 到40 个城市已经开始做的,而且郑州肯定不是最后一个建造通航产业园的城市。但是郑州所做的却是中国其他城市所没有做的新的尝试,那就是走出去,到国际航空界去寻求帮助,来发展他们的航空产业园。

那么,这些到底对于中国的通用航空产业有什么意义呢?因为中国目前对于通用航空产业并没有什么实质性的内容,所以中国的低空开放也不会即刻爆发。但是,由于所有机场都在发展,很多通航产业园也在起建,谁都不能说没有开放低空的必要。让我们抱着希望吧,当这些工程都已经竣工,地方政府将可以带领企业在全中国低空开放的进展中带来一些改变。 中国何时会全面开放低空我们无从得知,但是通用航空建设工程在中国像雨后春笋一样迅速发展。如果中国商业运输航空的发展结果是能力表征的话,那就让我们拭目以待,当一切要素都妥当后,中国通航产业的通航产业将会发生爆炸性发展。

生活中,有些时候有些小小的成就会给我们所推动的事情带来希望和所需的精力。一年前, 我们的问题是中国通用航空会不会起飞?而现在的问题则是什么时候起飞?尽管我们都知道一切的发展不是以人们所希望的速度前进,但你不能否认中国已经在正确的路上迈出了重要的一步。所以,让我们对中国的通航产业报以乐观态度吧,让我们共同关注这个新兴的通航市场。在这个过程中,如果你眨了一下眼,就可能错过你的机会。

For a while now the aviation industry has been buzzing about China's decision to open low altitude airspace and develop General Aviation. Having just returned from hosting the China Pavilion for the second year at the 2012 EAA Airventure, there seems to be a general curiosity regarding what is actually going on over there in China. While big stories such as China buying Cirrus or a Chinese Areospace manufacturer's purchase of the business jet and general aviation operations of Hawker Beechcraft catches everyone's attention, these stories do nothing to inform us on what China's actual plans are and what this means for the development of general aviation in China.

This year at the China Pavilion at EAA, there was a great presentation from the city of Zhengzhou. Mayor Hu Quan, headed a delegation of about 13 members, who all came out to Oshkosh, Wisconsin in order to reach out to the international aviation community and promote the Zhengzhou General Aviation Test Zone. They are looking for manufacturers, flight schools, operators, mechanics, charter services and everything else aviation related to help them to fully develop their Aviation Industrial Park. Zhengzhou isn't the first city in China to build an Aviation Industrial park, but it is the first to travel to the US to search for teaming partnerships. As more and more cities in China begin to develop their own Aviation industrial park, there will be an increasing number of cities who will be sending delegates to the US in the hopes of finding those who wish to set up a part of their operations in their city.

If you are a subscriber to our publication, The China Civil Aviation Report, then non of this is new news to you. It seems in almost every issue there is news about a new city developing a GA industrial park, or a new company applying for flight training certification, or a new airport being constructed. Zhenzhou is just doing what 30-40 other Chinese cities have already began the process of doing and they won't be the last city to develop a GA Industrial Park. But what new trend Zhengzhou may have started is the reaching out to the international aviation community for help to develop their Aviation park.

So what does this actually mean for General Aviation in China? Since China currently has little to no GA industry, there has been no immediate rush to open up low altitude airspace. But with the development of all these airports and GA Industrial parks, it will be hard for anyone to say that there is no need to open up low altitude airspace. Lets hope that once these projects are all completed, then these local cities can lead the charge in the push for the opening up of low altitude airspace all over China.

So when will China open up low altitude airspace across the country? We have no idea, but all these General Aviation construction projects springing up all over China is a good sign that something is happening. If China's development of Commercial Aviation is any indicator of their ability to do something that they set their minds to, then be prepared to witness China's GA development occur at break neck speeds once all the key components fall into place.

Sometimes in life it is the little victories that gives us the hope and energy needed to keep pushing forward. A year ago the question was will they ever? And now the question is just a matter of when will they? While we understand that it is not happening at the speed which most people would like it to happen, you can't deny that China has made a substantial step in the right direction. So let us continue to be optimistic about the future of GA in China, and keep an eye on this emerging market. If you blink, you might miss your chance.





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