
ABACE returns to Shanghai!

2013-08-09 06:20 作者:《民航报导》赵嘉国

在2006年美国公务机协会(NBAA)所主持的亚洲公务航空展(ABACE)首次在中国内地展出,地点选在上海, 经过6年的时间亚洲公务机展又回到上海具有重大的意义。


NBAA 决定在上海再度举办亚洲公务航空大展是继霍克太平洋公司及NetJet公司在中国成立基地后的另一个信号,中国已经准备好公务航空起飞的试运行。


中国企业运营的全国化与全球化都给公务航空在中国的发展带来契机与活力, 中国政府的“走出去”政策更促使大中型国有企业走的更远飞的更高。这些需求对于国内外公务航空业界来说都是销售,租赁,服务,培训,管理等的商业机会, 这些机会有助于国际公务航空产业的纾困与持续发展。

寄语中国政府与航空主管机构能够抓住这个机会,在国际公务航空产业顶尖业者和社团共同关注中国公务航空发展的同时,配套得宜的措施与法规。认识公务航空与运输航空的差异,并提供公务航空便捷的运营环境和条件。使得中国公务航空产业与 需要这个产业的国民营企业能相互依存发展,在中国持续的国际经济发展中扮演不可磨灭的角色与功能。


In 2006, the first Asian Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition (ABACE) hosted by the National Business Aviation Association was held in mainland China, in Shanghai. Six years later, and ABACE returns to Shanghai!

The number of exhibitors grew from only 40 companies just 6 years ago, to 100 companies today. This demonstrates the value and potential of China’s business aviation market and its opportunities. While the international economy has still not recovered from the slowdown, China’s growth is continuing strong and the Chinese government’s latest “Go Abroad” business policy has made China the most reasonable focal point for the global business aviation community.

NBAA’s decision to hold ABACE in Shanghai, along with Hawker Pacific establishing a world class FBO in Shanghai and NetJet building an operational base in Zhuhai, all signifies that China is ready to proceed forward with a “test flight” of its own business aviation industry.

After 20 plus years’ of effort, China has become the world’s second largest aviation nation. Behind this achievement is a mass aviation infrastructure that includes 170 hub and regional airports, nationwide ATC service coverage, instant weather services and on-demand fueling services at all locations. These are all the elements needed to foster the growth and development of China’s business aviation.

The branching out, both nationally and internationally, of China’s enterprises has provided opportunities in developing China’s business aviation. The state’s “Go Abroad” policy aims to push medium and large state owned companies to fly higher and travel further. All of this push to reach outward creates new business opportunities for sales, leasing, service, training, and management for domestic and international equipment or service providers, which will be very helpful to the recovery and continued development for international suppliers.

I sincerely hope that China’s government and aviation authorities can utilize the attention they are currently receiving to further develop the policies and regulations of Business aviation. At the same time, they need to understand the differences between Business Aviation and Commercial Aviation in order to provide the proper flexibility to allow Business Aviation to grow and thrive. By allowing for flexibility, this allows for both the business aviation industry and its users, both private and state owned enterprises, to grow simultaneously in order to support China’s critical role in the global economy.

Our wish is that ABACE in Shanghai is a great success, and Go China Business Aviation!





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