
All high rises start from the ground floor

2013-08-09 06:20 作者:《民航报导》赵嘉国



The large aircraft project caught a great amount of attention lately with all the news and comments across all forms of media. The Aviation industry had to make organization expansion and re-grouping in order to R&D components and parts for the project. Land development under the name of the large aircraft project is everywhere. We here at the CCAR, have heard about the schedule of R&D, test flight and delivery, but I believe some reservation on the timetable is necessary.

As more and more light was shed on this topic, the more I remember the policy made by former Chinese leader Deng Xiaopin “let small group of people get rich first”. Looking back to that not-necessary-political-correct policy from back then to the policies of China’s current economic accomplishment, it does make some sense. It’s like the old Chinese saying, “all high rise starts from the ground floor”. If China’s aircraft manufacturing program can start from the small aircraft like most of the leading countries, maybe we can enjoy the small aircraft sooner while waiting for the birth of large aircraft.





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