
Civil Airport Operating License Issued to Zhengzhou's Shangjie Airport

2013-8-20 09:54

4 月,中国民用航空中南地区管理局 (简称“民航中南局”)向上街机场颁发使用许可证,这是河南省获得的首个民用机场许可证。


目前,全国有345 个通用航空的起降点,获得民用机场许可证的有71 个机场。河南省新乡长垣、驻马店平舆、安阳林州、周口西华已获得临时起降点资格,正在申请民用机场许可证,为筹建通用机场取得“身份证”。

作为河南省首个获得民用机场许可证的上街机场,已吸引河南飞天通用航空、河南永翔通用航空、河南大宇国际飞行俱乐部等10 家通航企业在通航试验区筹备注册,新增运营飞机7 架,机队规模已达30 架。

近年来,郑州市依托上街机场建设的通用航空试验区,涵盖航空飞行区、综合保障服务区、休闲体育运动区、研发设计制造区和行政文教商务区五大功能区,对接郑州航空港经济综合实验区建设。力争到2015 年,通航基地公司达到15 家,机队规模达到50 架,年实现飞行5 万小时。

A Civil Airport Operating License has been issued to Zhengzhou's Shangjie Airport by the CAAC Central and Southern Regional Administration, which makes that airport Henan's first to achieve such a license.

There are currently 345 takeoff-landing fields in China being operated as General Aviation airports, of which 71 have been issued the Civil Airport Operating License. Some of Henan’s airports are currently licensed as temporary, but have applied for permanent licenses, including airports at Changyuan county of Xinxiang, Pingyu county of Anyang, and Xihua county of Zhoukou.

Since the issuance of that Civil Airport Operating License to Zhengzhou's Shangjie Airport as Henan's first airport to receive such, Shangjie Airport has attracted more than 10 General Aviation Enterprises established within the Zhengzhou Comprehensive Experimental Zone for Airport–based Economy, including The Henan Feitian General Aviation Co. Ltd., The Henan Yongxiang General Aviation Co., Ltd., and The Henan Dayu International Flight Club. There have also been 7 additional aircraft added to that zone bringing their total to 30 aircraft.

Based on the advantages of that new license issued to the Shangjie Airport, the City of Zhengzhou has added numerous enhancements, including a General Aviation experimental zone, research/design/manufacturing zone, containing a flight zone, a comprehensive supply zone, a recreational sports zone, and an administration/culture/education/commerce zone, connecting the development of the Zhengzhou Comprehensive Experimental Zone for Airport–based Economy. Officials are optimistic that, by the year 2015, Zhengzhou will have 15 or more enterprises operating from the Shangjie Airport, more than 50 aircraft, and 50 thousand flight hours.



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